As part of the 2019 Project SET Cohort, Katie Klein, Research, Teaching, and Learning Librarian at The Rising Tide Charter Public School, is exploring library trends and connecting with colleagues outside of her library. On November 4, each member of the 2019 Project SET Cohort will give a five minute presentation at the MLS Annual Meeting.

For her presentation, Katie will be investigating school and public library collaborations on privacy programming for young people. After her presentation Katie would love to see more collaboration between public, school, academic, and special libraries. Katie believes children and teens are our future. 

We have the foundational information skills that we need to pass on to prepare kids for the future. Librarians see kids in different contexts and have access to different resources, so we can and should be working together.

Katie is the only librarian in a school library at a Middle/High charter school. Last year she was hired to start the schools library program, which she considered an interesting and unusual challenge. The library is small and new, but the community is supportive and excited that they are adding library services in the school.

Katie was originally interested in joining Project SET because school professional development tends to focus on classroom teaching. She feels it is important for school librarians to be proactive about keeping up with library trends. Since Katie just moved to Massachusetts last year, Project SET seemed like a great opportunity to build her library network.

I’m excited about preparing students for life after high school, because we’re always adapting research skills and digital citizenship to reflect new technology. I’m also excited about collaborating with public libraries and other organizations to expand the ways we serve children and teens.

We hope to see you on November 4th at our Annual Meeting, to be held at the Hogan Center at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, MA. Registration is now open on our calendar. To learn more about Project SET? Visit our LibGuide!