MLS Community Survey Sample 11
small Public Library, 2005

Help us provide better library services for you!
Complete this survey then enter to win a raffle for a $30 gift card to Barnes & Noble courtesy of the Friends of the  Library.

1. How often do you use the Public Library?

2. When do you visit--or would you like to visit--the library? (Please check all that apply.)

3. Is the staff approachable and friendly?

4. For what purpose(s) do you use the library? (Please check all that apply.)

5. Do you find the materials (books, movies, magazines, etc.) that you are looking for?

6. Are the directional signs clear and helpful? Can you find what you are looking for?

7. What do you and your family borrow most often? (Please check all that apply.)

8. What do you believe is the most valuable service of the Public Library?

9. Is the staff knowledgeable and able to help you find resources or answer your questions?

10. What changes would you like to see at the library? (Please check all that apply.)

11. Is the library open at hours that work for you?

12. If you do not use the library, what reasons prevent you from using the library regularly? (Please check all that apply.)

13. How do you stay informed about local events/news? (Please check all that apply.)

14. Do you have additional comments or suggestions?

Thank You!