Schools Student Survey

Dear Students,

Our purpose is to serve you. Please help us by participating in this survey about the high school library. We will carefully consider all responses. Please fill out this form online and send it in.

1. When do you visit the library (Check all that apply) :

2. How many times do you visit the library each month?

3. Please check all the reasons you visit the library:

If other, please describe:

4. Do you have enough time to visit the library?


5. When you visit, do you usually find the materials you need?


6. Do you find the staff approachable and helpful?


7. Are there titles you have looked for that are not in the library's collection?

Please list:

8. Do you use other libraries?

If so, which other libraries do you use?

If other, please explain:

9. Is this library a pleasant and comfortable place to visit?


10. What is the best thing about your school library?

11. If there was one thing about this library you could improve, what would it be?

12. Are the library rules fair?


13. When you read for pleasure, which authors or types of books do you choose?

14. Who are your favorite authors?

15. What magazines do you read?

16. Please rate the following:
Excellent Good Average Fair Poor
Facility (table chairs, climate, attractiveness)
Accessibility (hours, pass system)
Assistance provided by library staff
Collection (books , periodicals, AV)

17. Do you think the library should have an online catalog (a card catalog which is online)?

18. Do you think the library should have a website?

19. Do you think the library needs more databases?

20. What grade are you in?

Please check one:

21. Other comments: